Land Acknowledgments

MyXC recognizes the connection between indigenous peoples and the land that they occupy, and the history of colonization and oppression that led to that connection. We encourage and ask that all of our clubs use their land acknowledgment as an opportunity for critical reflection and learning about alternative perspectives.


Please check out your clubs' land acknowledgement on your club page to learn a little more about the land we use to ski and outdoor recreate on!


 Our Resources:

  • Native Governance Center: Beyond a Land Acknowledgement Guide
  • Bdote Memory Map: a beginning resource for understanding more about the Dakota people's relationship to Minnesota.
  • Local Dakota Land Map — downloadable visual and audio Dakota land maps of Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding areas by local artist Marlena Myles
  • Why Treaties Matter — a comprehensive and thoughtful exploration of treaties and land theft in Minnesota. The 1837 land cession treaties with the Ojibwe and Dakota, and the 1851 Dakota land cession treaties
  • The On Being Project Land Acknowledgment Resources — a whole host of resources dedicated to Native American culture and history in Minnesota, as well as on the practice of land acknowledgment   
  • Native Land Digital strives to create and foster conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations, through educational resources such as our map and Territory Acknowledgement Guide.